Sunday, December 15, 2013

Lives, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor

1: Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor

The final words of the Declaration of Independence sums up what these early patriots were up against. The 56 signers of the Constitution were considered traitors by the British Crown. During the course of the Revolutionary War, and the aftermath, some suffered losses as a result of their participation in fighting for America's independence. Their lives were affected in various ways, sometimes to the point of losing loved ones, or having their property destroyed. The signers, however, knowing the risks to their lives and fortunes, considered it to be of the utmost honor to fight the good fight. They also understood the importance of unity. As Benjamin Franklin put it, "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."

Learn more in the Little Lessons booklet, Series #6, Booklet #1. Purchase of these 12 page, $1 booklets will be available soon.


  1. People who thirst for freedom and liberty are ripe for education.

    More and more citizens are awakening from a long slumber to see a nation ruled by a tyrannical Federal Government. A government that is acting just like the British Crown prior to the American Revolution.

    At perilous times like these, citizens must refrain from asking "what can our country do for us?" rather, they should be asking "what can we do to save our country?"

    1. The Tea Party Fire Ants know how to save America. Look here for more on them:

    2. The Tea Party Fire Ants know how to save America. Look here for more on them:
